Kaunas Artists’ House (KAH, Lithuania) together with the ACROSS residencies by thankyouforcoming (based in Nice, French Riviera, France) are starting to carry out the Reciprocal Residency Programme DeMo (abbreviation of Decoding Modernity) as part of the ACROSS residencies.

The programme DEMO aims to explore the connections between different modernities and to think of modernity as a range of concepts across different periods and geographical situations and across cultural, scientific, societal and industrial developments.

The residency ACROSS allows the applicant to discover the French Riviera area’s contemporary art scene and history, to develop their research work and to participate in a new network.

The curator/art critic from Lithuania applying for the ACROSS / DeMo residency in Nice (French Riviera, France) will have to reflect on a definition of modernity nowadays and how it can function in accordance with his/her/their times.

Please find the Open Call and Application Form here.

Reciprocal Residency DeMo is a part of “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022” programme.

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