Residencies of 2018

Kaunas Artists’ House residency platform is intended to present contemporary artists, curators, and cultural researchers active in Lithuania and abroad. The platform aims to create opportunities for artists to participate in residencies, to stimulate the local contemporary art scene and to create the space for contextual curatorial practices.


Grėtė Šmitaitė (DE/LT) and Hanna Kritten Tangsoo (DE/EE)

In January and February 2018 two choreographers, dancers and graduates of the Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz in Berlin, Grėtė Šmitaitė (Germany / Lithuania) and Hanna Kritten Tangsoo (Germany / Estonia) are in residency at the Kaunas Artists’ House. Here they develop the research part of their upcoming performance “Limitation Piece”, while regularly meeting their mentor – philosopher Dr. Jurga Jonutytė in Kaunas. More…

Dalia Mikonytė (LT) and Adomas Žudys (LT)

In January and April, 2018, Dalia Mikonytė and Adomas Žudys resided at Kaunas Artists’ House, aiming to produce “Kaunas Study” – a video work conceived as a compliment to the unique modernism of Kaunas and also forming a part of their ongoing project “City Studies”. This piece will be presented on Friday May 11, 8.30 pm at KAH alongside a live performance by Pijus Džiugas Meižys (Münpauzn) during Gallery Weekend Kaunas. More…

Liza Baliasnaja (LT/BE) and Sidney Barnes (UK/BE)

In March 2018, contemporary dance artists Liza Baliasnaja (LT / BE) and Sidney Barnes (UK / BE) will reside at Kaunas Artists’ House. During the residency the artists will develop the final part of their dance performance “Figures”, resulting from a year-long collaboration of both choreographers. In 2016 both artists met at P.A.R.T.S contemporary dance school in Belgium and in 2017 started working on “Figures” as a duo. More…

Paulina Drėgvaitė (LT/UK) and Nick Wood (UK)

In May 2018 Kaunas Artists’ House will continue its artistic residency series by hosting artists and curators Paulina Drėgvaitė (UK/LT) and Nick Wood (UK). During their residency the artists will establish an open studio within KAH in which they will be developing My soul knows my meat is doing bad things, a new artistic collaboration exploring the notions of failure, boredom and waste. Combining differing backgrounds from both film curation and contemporary art this new project hopes to explore interests within counter cultures, defining anti-productivity and alternative modes of archiving. Viewing YouTube as an archive of everyday micro-histories, this project aims to locate alternatives to the notions of success and productivity that dominate societal discourse. More…

Rättbuss Express (SE)

During the first weekend of August Kaunas Artists’ House yard hosted a very special residency: the travelling culture club “RättBuss“, arriving to Kaunas from Sweden in a 15m long bus for the last stop of their migrating festival. More…

Daniel Neubacher (DE) and Lukas Zerbst (DE)

This November Kaunas Artists’ House hosted the last participants of this season’s residency programme: artists Daniel Neubacher (DE) and Lukas Zerbst (DE). D. Neubacher and L. Zerbst both attended the University of the Arts Bremen in Germany, where they studied contemporary sculpture. In his varied sculptures, D. Neubacher examines questions of digitisation, identity and the social role of the artist, whereas the core of L. Zerbst’s practice is working with the space and exploring the contemporary discourse on productivity. Within the framework of the KAH residency programme the artists together with sound artist Arūnas Periokas and AuRA dance theatre dancers Julija Mintautė, Matthew Woodcock-Livingston and Mei Chen were developing “Behind Closed Doors”, an experimental, site-specific, multimedia performance, which was presented at KAH on 29 November, 2018. More…

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