Kaunas Artists’ House
V. Putvinskio st. 56, LT-44211 Kaunas
Tel.: (8-37) 223144
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Kaunas City Municipal Budget Office
Administrative questions kmn@kpk.lt
Events menas@kpk.lt
Cultural Infocentre kulturosinfocentras@kpk.lt
Residencies edvinas@kpk.lt
Projects projektai@kpk.lt
Public procurement pirkimai@kpk.lt
Reading room skaitykla@kpk.lt
Director Simona Savickaitė
+370 622 78274, vadovas@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of the director are as follows:
- To organize the work of the Institution in such a way that its goals are implemented, and the established functions are performed; to act on behalf of the institution;
- To make proposals on the establishment of the institution’s performance indicators, to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and provisions of the institution;
- To prepare annual activity plans, activity reports, and other documents of the institution and submit them for coordination or approval in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts;
- To approve the organizational structure of the institution, internal rules of procedure, regulations of structural subdivisions, employee job descriptions, list of positions (posts) without exceeding the maximum number of positions (posts) set by the owner;
- To establish the remuneration system of the employees of the institution;
- To employ and dismiss employees of the institution in accordance with the established procedure, to incentivize them and impose disciplinary sanctions on them;
- To participate in the activities of various commissions and working groups related to the supervision and development of the institution as well as the provision of services specified in the statutes of the institution;
- To guarantee the accuracy of the sets of reports and statistical reports submitted in accordance with the Public Sector Accountability Law of the Republic of Lithuania;
- To ensure the rational and economical use of funds and assets, the effective establishment of the institution’s internal system of control, its operation, and improvement;
- To ensure that the financial liabilities of the institution do not exceed its financial capacities;
- To make decisions in accordance with the competence established in the statutes of the institution and in this job description in matters of development and organization of the activities of the institution; to prepare and approve the documents of the institution;
- To organize the protection of the property of the institution;
- To organize the management of the institution’s accounting;
- To perform other functions established by laws and other legal acts and orders of the owner of the Institution.
Coordinator Justina Praninskienė
+370 37 223144, kmn@kpk.lt
The Coordinator’s responsibilities are as follows:
- To maintain close collaborative relations with the creative associations and societies, academic, cultural, and art institutions, public organizations, and media representatives of Kaunas city and the Republic of Lithuania;
- To form the work plans of the employees of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To inform the employees of the institution about the meetings and conferences; to introduce them to the work plans;
- To prepare staff regulation drafts for the employees of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To prepare activity plans for Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To submit the reports on the events of Kaunas Artists’ House to the director;
- Make estimates of event costs;
- To carry out the accounting of Kaunas Artists’ House events;
- Prepare letters, documents, draft orders and submit them to the head of the institution for approval;
- To register incoming and outgoing letters, director’s orders, and other documentation of Kaunas Artists’ House; to systematize incoming documents and information and pass it on to implementers;
- To prepare, issue, and manage personnel documents (employee work and holiday schedules, employment contracts, identification cards, timesheets, etc.);
- To manage the archive of Kaunas Artists’ House documents and ensure their security;
- To prepare the necessary funding, cooperation, use, copyright, and intellectual service contracts;
- To control the authenticity of authorizations and other valuable documents as well as certifications of authorizations in accordance with mandatory procedure;
- To control the correctness of the amounts calculated in the salary slips in accordance with mandatory procedure;
- To prepare and provide information within their competence;
- To constantly deepen knowledge of clerical work and raise professional qualifications;
- To substitute the director of Kaunas Artists’ House.
Head of Cultural Infocentre Viktorija Mašanauskaitė-Rinkšelė (parental leave)
Head of Cultural Infocentre Gabrielė Krapikaitė
+370 664 22938, kulturosinfocentras@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of the information specialist are as follows:
- To coordinate the strategy of improving the monitoring and analysis platform of Kaunas cultural activities administered by Kaunas Artists’ House and creating the community of this platform;
- To develop the platform in collaboration with marketing, programming, design, and other specialists, researchers;
- To gather the community of Kaunas cultural operators, and create a contact database;
- To communicate with cultural operators, promote their motivation to register on the platform and provide data on their activities;
- To organize training for cultural operators; to improve the training program;
- Not to disclose confidential platform user information to third parties;
- To ensure the publicity of Kaunas cultural activity monitoring and analysis platform:
• To work closely with communication partners, provide them with information about the platform for publicity;
• To coordinate the production of publicity measures and advertising with producers;
• To ensure the smooth operation of the Culture Information Center of Kaunas Artists’ House and the update and implementation of the activity strategy;
Manager of Cultural Activities and Educator Asta Volungė
+370 37 223259, asta@kpk.lt
Educator’s responsibilities are as follows:
- To develop and implement the strategy of the educational events of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To create the annual plan of educational activities of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To cooperate with educational institutions (schools, academies, universities), artists, creators, lecturers;
- To implement educational events of Kaunas Artists’ House; to coordinate the events of Kaunas Artists’ House and Kaunas city;
- To collect primary information from event creators, performers, and organizers, and, if necessary, look for information independently;
- To prepare and implement creative projects together with artists and other employees of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To collaborate with cultural institutions, associations, collectives and individual artists and encourage them to develop joint projects;
- To look for partners in Lithuania and abroad for the implementation of activities and exchange of good practice;
- To prepare a procurement plan for events and activities and ensure the correct use of funds for payments;
- If necessary, to perform the duties of a ticket controller;
- If necessary, to perform the duties of a ticket controller;
+370 615 43666, povilas@kpk.lt
Marketing Specialist’s responsibilities are as follows:
- To coordinate the strategy of development, implementation, and use of the Kaunas cultural activity monitoring and analysis platform administered by Kaunas Artists’ House:
- To develop the platform in collaboration with programming, design, and other specialists, researchers;
- To collect, systematize and research the information on the cultural environment;
- Independently or with the help of specialists, to prepare recommendations and insights for cultural institutions on the issues of performance improvement, monitoring, and self-analysis;
- To provide information on the operation of the platform, opportunities for interested partners, and financial sponsors;
- To present the platform to cultural institutions, to organize training on how to use the platform;
- To ensure the uninterrupted and smooth operation of the platform;
- Not to disclose confidential platform user information to third parties;
- To work in the Culture Information Center of the Kaunas Artists’ House and represent it in events organized in Lithuania and abroad;
Manager of Cultural Activities (Residencies) Edvinas Grinkevičius
+370 37 223259, edvinas@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of the manager of cultural activities (residences) are as follows:
- To create the mission, vision, image, and identity of the Kaunas Artists’ House residency program;
- To shape the strategy and goals of the Kaunas Artists’ House residency program and implement them;
- To prepare activity plans and reports for the Kaunas Artists’ House residency program;
- To plan and organize the participation of Kaunas Artists’ House residencies in the processes of project activities;
- To prepare projects and look for various sources of financing for the activities of Kaunas Artists’ House residences;
- To organize cultural and artistic events of Kaunas Artists’ House residencies (exhibitions, concerts, etc.);
- To organize technical service of Kaunas Artists’ House residency events and rent of technical equipment;
- To take care of the search for residents; to participate in their selection;
- To accept applications from potential residents;
- To make a schedule of Kaunas Artists’ House residency events (exhibitions, conferences, seminars, and rehearsals), the use of rooms, and presentations;
- To acquaint residents with the general conditions of activity organizing and internal rules of procedure;
- To monitor and control residents’ compliance with their obligations and established internal rules of procedure;
- To form and maintain relations with the partners of Kaunas Artists’ House residencies;
- To develop cooperation between Kaunas Artists’ House residency partners and residents;
- To develop international exchange of residents and cooperation with foreign artists;
- To take an interest in and take into account the needs of residents; to solve the emerging problems;
- To organize training and consultations for residents;
- To supervise and take care of the well-being and inventory of Kaunas Artists’ House residences;
- To prepare and implement creative projects together with other employees of Kaunas Artists’ House and artists;
- To collaborate with cultural institutions, associations, collectives and individual artists and encourage them to develop joint projects;
- To curate the work of Kaunas Artists’ House volunteers and interns;
- To prepare a procurement plan for the events and ensure the correct use of funds for payments;
- To collect primary information from event creators, performers, and organizers, and, if necessary, to look for information independently;
- If necessary, to perform the duties of a ticket controller.
+370 664 22939, agne@kpk.lt, skaitykla@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of the manager of cultural activities are as follows:
- To develop and implement the activities of the Kaunas Artists’ House Culture Information Center, coordinated with the head of the Culture Information Center:
- To take care of the development of Kaunas Artists’ House reading room activities;
- To collect, accumulate and publicize Lithuanian and foreign culture and art periodicals and non-periodicals;
- To provide detailed and correct information about the publications stored in the Kaunas Artists’ House reading room to the interested parties and visitors;
- To carry out inventory and cataloging of Kaunas Artists’ House reading room publications; to prepare information available to Kaunas Artists’ House employees and interested parties and visitors;
- To ensure adequate protection of Kaunas Artists’ House reading room publications;
- To publicize the activities of the Kaunas Artists’ House reading room together with other communication and Cultural Information Center specialists;
- To initiate and curate the events of the Kaunas Artists’ House reading room’s program:
- To collect primary information from event creators, performers, and co-organizers, and, if necessary, to look for information individually;
- To coordinate the needs of event organizing and publicity strategy with other Kaunas Artists’ House employees;
- To cooperate with cultural institutions, associations, collectives, and individual artists, and to promote the organization of joint activities (events);
- To prepare a procurement plan for the events and ensure the correct use of funds for payments;
- To look for partners in Lithuania and abroad for the implementation of activities and the exchange of good practice for organizing the activities of the Kaunas Artists’ House reading room;
- Based on the need, to curate the work of volunteers and interns of Kaunas Artists’ House in the events and activities of the reading room;
- If necessary, to perform the duties of a ticket controller;
- To lock and hand over the premises to security at the end of the workday;
- To follow the established procedure for storage of material values and documents;
- To be loyal to Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To return all documents and material values to the institution upon the termination of the employment contract;
- To coordinate action plans with the director and coordinator of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- In addition to the duties listed in these regulations, the cultural activity manager also carries out other instructions of the director and coordinator of Kaunas Artists’ House.
Curator of “Matters” project Daina Pupkevičiūtė
Administrator Audrius Baltutis
+370 686 83834, pirkimai@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of Administrator are as follows:
- To perform the procedure of procurement of goods and services in accordance with the simplified regulations of public procurement approved by the institution;
- To organize the procedures for auctioning off the assigned inventory;
- to organize the supply of furniture, inventory, equipment and office supplies to the institution, oversee their maintenance and timely repairs;
- to oversee workplace safety and organize the supply of safety equipment for the Institution, its workplaces and staff;
- to oversee the efficient, rational use and proper operation of the institution’s property and inventory of the premises;
- to control that the received goods-material assets correspond to the technical requirements and standards;
- to ensure the correct use of funds for payment;
- to carry out inventorization, to participate in inspections and audits;
- to manage the inventory, goods-material assets in accordance with the established procedures, to prepare and submit commercial-monetary and other reports on changes and balances to the employee assigned by the Joint-Stock Company “Accounting Offices of the Republic of Lithuania”;
- to constantly check that materials, goods, and products used correspond to amounts indicated in the accounting documents;
- to complete the accounting documents in a timely and correct manner;
- to prepare and submit work reports in accordance with accountancy requirements and in a timely manner;
- to store documents properly, to file their cases and transfer them to the archive in accordance with the established procedure;
- to hand over the premises of the Institution to security service, to close the building at the end of the working day and hand it over to security service;
- to constantly supervise the building and premises of the institution in accordance with the requirements for workplace safety, fire safety and hygiene;
- to check the regular functioning of lighting, heating, ventilation, sewage and other systems, to monitor their technical condition, to organize repairs;
- to participate in drawing out plans for the renovation of (current) real estate and major repairs of the Institution;
- to organize renovation of the Institution, to control its progress;
- on the occurrence of changes in normal working process to inform employees about dangerous, harmful and other risk factors at the workplace and their health effects;
- to instruct and control how the employees of KMN keep up with the requirements of workplace safety, fire safety, electrical safety, civil protection;
- to provide new employees with proper workplace, office supplies and material assets;
- to organize regular health inspection for employees;
- to organize maintenance of the official vehicle of KMN and to administer its insurance;
- to welcome visitors and performers of events in accordance with the requirements for the admission of visitors and professional ethics;
- to organize of the welfare of the institution, advertising, festive decorations and the raising of the state flag on official holidays;
- to promptly distribute KMN event tickets, promotional leaflets and invitations;
- to continuously expand the distribution of advertising prints;
- to ensure that all advertising is accessible to visitors in KMN premises;
- To provide Ticket Distribution Program services to UAB “Tiketa” (such as the provision of ticket information, the processing of purchase in a computer program, its printing and sale, proper accounting of documents);
- to supervise information and communication systems;
- to administer the use of the official passenger vehicle: to control the use of vehicle (ensure that the data on the speedometer, fuel consumption and the car mileage meet the pre-assigned limits); to take care of the official technical condition of the vehicle; to organize professional car insurance in accordance with the procedures established by legal acts;
- to assign and oversee repairs of the vehicle in case of defects, breakdowns, wearing down of its parts, etc.
- to oversee proper marking of the vehicle;
- to provide data on violations of the official KMN vehicle usage rules to the Acting Director.
Comunication Coordinator Skaistė Kaurynaitė-Beniušė
+370 670 03235, media@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of the comunication coordinator are as follows:
- To prepare and implement publicity strategy plans for Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To coordinate the publicity of Kaunas Artists’ House’s creative activities: according to the information provided by creators, performers, and organizers, or collected independently, to prepare various texts for distribution in Kaunas Artists’ House and other media channels, advertising prints (posters, flyers, programs, invitations, paid advertisements, billboards); in the media (www.kpk.lt, other websites, radio, television, press, news agencies);
- To pass the prepared informational advertising texts to the people responsible: the designer and managers of cultural activities of the Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To communicate and cooperate with the final recipients of information, to send the prepared informational texts to the media and individual target groups according to the profile of the event;
- To upload the prepared informational texts on the kpk.lt website;
- To administer the website of Kaunas Artists’ House in accordance with legal acts, to update the information posted on the website of Kaunas Artists’ House, to ensure compliance of the structure of the website with the requirements of legal acts;
- To administer the profiles of Kaunas Artists’ House on social networks;
- To carry out the selection, evaluation, and review of material submitted by professionals working in the field of advertising in order to obtain a favorable public opinion;
- To coordinate and ensure the quality of communication carried out by the cultural activity managers and other employees of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To collect and systematize the sent information about the events in Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To study the needs of Kaunas Artists’ House’s service users: to collect and analyze data on the users’ character and the things they prefer, to explain and predict the inclinations of current and future users;
- To organize public relations campaigns to increase the prestige and improve favorable public opinion.
Project Manager Aistė Paukštė
+370 611 17139, aiste@kpk.lt
Graphic Designer Kornelija Zizaitė
+370 648 73691, kornelija@kpk.lt
The responsibilities of the designer are as follows:
- To prepare visual communication of important events for the city organized by Kaunas Artists’ House (Putvinskio Street Day, Carillon Music Festival, Election of the Most Memorable Artist and Cultural Initiative, Culture Day, the birthday of Kaunas Artists’ House):
- To prepare visual and audio material for advertising prints (posters, flyers, programs, invitations, paid advertisements, billboards) and the media (www.kpk.lt, news agencies, websites) in accordance with the style guidelines of Kaunas Artists’ House and based on the information collected individually or provided by creators, performers, or organizers, using the press, films, electronic, digital, and other visual and audio media.
- To determine the goals and limitations of the visual project in accordance with the corporate identity book of Kaunas Artists’ House: to collect and systematize information material, texts, illustrations; to retouch, select the print format, prepare sketches, diagrams, illustrations, and layouts for design concepts, create complex graphics, and, in individual cases, other visual material (for example, animation) in accordance with the functional, aesthetic and creative requirements set in the project; to select functional and aesthetic materials, to discuss design solutions with the employees of Kaunas Artists’ House, to provide information on the chosen design;
- To contribute to the preparation of the plan for the distribution of advertising prints if necessary and to submit it for further coordination to the employees of Kaunas Artists’ House, who are responsible for publicizing the events;
- To supervise the institution’s website www.kpk.lt:
- to upload visual information material on the website www.kpk.lt, in coordination with the public relations coordinator of Kaunas Artists’ House, to continually update and maintain it;
- To collect, archive and, if necessary, process visual information material for the website of Kaunas Artists’ House, www.kpk.lt;
- To initiate projects, provide independent proposals, improve, renew, change the visual identity of Kaunas Artists’ House or its parts in accordance with the guidelines of the corporate identity of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To look for professional development opportunities and to strive for raising qualifications, to improve the skills of special design programs.
Sound Engineer Ugnius Užkuraitis (parental leave)
Sound Engineer Arūnas Periokas
The responsibilities of the sound engineer are as follows:
- To prepare sound and video equipment for the events of Kaunas Artists’ House;
- A timely preparation of event spaces, sound and video equipment according to the needs expressed by the director or other colleagues;
- An orderly storage and warehousing of audio and video equipment;
- The development and optimization of a unified storage system for audio and video equipment;
- To deepen the knowledge on the latest audiovisual equipment, to evaluate its application possibilities in the Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To ensure the functioning of stationary and mobile sound and video equipment of the Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To systematically inspect the audio and video equipment, or other equipment used during events;
- To take care of the repair of audio and video equipment, if possible;
- To prepare audio and video equipment for the events and rehearsals at the Kaunas Artists’ House;
- To install and carry out training of other employees of the Kaunas Artists’ House on the work with sound and video equipment;
- To cooperate with other employees of the Kaunas Artists’ House (artist, building maintenance, and routine repair worker) in preparing event spaces and their set design, its installation;
- To perform direct and other functions assigned by the director of the Kaunas Artists’ House, if necessary, to manage audio recordings, to moderate simple virtual broadcasts of the institution’s events.
Maintenance Technician Vytautas Vainauskas
The responsibilities of Maintenance Technician are as follows:
- to supervise and clean the courtyard and pavements;
- to maintain the lawns, collect and deposit waste in specially prepared places (specially assigned transport);
- to clean and collect tree leaves during fall season;
- to clean snow and ice in winter, sprinkle sand on sidewalks and entrance into the territory;
- to supply the courtyard with garbage bins and sandboxes;
- to prepare the KMN premises for events;
- to raise the state flag on designated holidays;
- to perform repairs of KMN;
- to oversee the cleaning of the official vehicle (once a week).
Cleaner Vida Jezdikevičienė
The responsibilities of Cleaner are as follows:
- To maintain exemplary order and cleanliness and thoroughly clean the assigned premises;
- to thoroughly clean and prepare the stage and other premises of Kaunas Artists’ House after rehearsals and before events,
to use cleaning tools, chemical cleaning products, home appliances; - to clean the assigned premises with a wet mop or vacuum cleaner in accordance with the prescribed handling procedures;
- to handle and clean the toilets, work with disinfectant fluids or powder;
- to use soap or special cleaners when washing floors and walls;
- to clean dust from furniture and tables;
- to comply with fire safety requirements: to clean dust from light fixtures, desk lamps and other electrical equipment only after switching off them from the main circuit;
- to clean carpet with a vacuum cleaner and, if necessary, spraying equipment;
- to clean dust from house plants and water them;
- to fill soap dishes with liquid soap and toilets with toilet paper (and, if necessary, with paper towels);
- to change garbage cans in toilets daily;
- to wash basins and toilet bowls with detergents;
- to not use disinfectant chemicals on the toilet floor;
- to not use flammable and unknown fluids and acids for cleaning;
- to use vacuum cleaners, floor luminaires strictly in accordance with their operating rules and make sure they are technically fit;
- to carry electrical appliances by using only handles and not by dragging them by the power cord;
- to not repair electric tools by themselves;
- to immediately inform the Administrator upon noticing damage of furniture, walls, doors, plumbing and other equipment.
- to constantly collect waste in special bags and dispose into special containers or waste trucks;
- to arrange the dishes after events.