We are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion
“International cooperation between Norway and Lithuania through culture: awakening the forgotten heritage (Case of Kaunas Fortress number 8)”.
Date: 5 April.
Time: 15:00-17:00
Venue: Kaunas Artist Home
Address: V. Putvinskio g. 56, LT-44211 Kaunas
Musician and producer Pal Isdahl Solberg (Vestfold),
Sound artist Aleksander Haugen (Vestfold),
Prof. Valdas Rakutis, Director of Public institution “Kaunas Fortress Park”,
Egidijus Bagdonas, founder of Intersectoral Cultural heritage festival “Battery” at Kaunas Fortress,
Evelina Šimkutė, founder of “Šilainiai Project”.
This event is going to be held in English and it is part of Scandinavian days programme in Kaunas.
For more information contact: Evelina, tel: +370 621 56879, silainiai@outlook.com