MATTERS is announcing a second call this year for sound artists. Sound artist is a broad concept, and in the context of this platform noisemakers, experimentators, soundscapers, chaos engineers and authors of industrial are thought of as sound artists. However, if you do not associate yourself with any of the definitions above, but feel you’re a part of whatever you think industrial music and cultural field is, you’re very welcome to apply.

Just as the call in spring, this too, this time under the title of FOCI, is intended for creators/creatrix that have had their practice affected by the pandemic.

The aim of FOCI (plural form, Latin, translates as hearth, fireplace, altar, home etc.) is to collect six readily-made pieces, and to support the authors thereof by one-time micro-grant of 150 euros.

Why FOCI? Because not all of us have the possibilities and the conditions to immerse into creative endeavors in this period. Not all of us have the privilege to record. Not all of us have a warm home to be safe in. Hence FOCI is an aim to share, an aim to focus onto sounds, and to hear each other.

Why inviting readily-made works? Because we know how sometimes some pieces do not find their place in other albums, in other compilations, that sometimes they sleep in our hard drives waiting for the right time, context or theme, which comes along unexpectedly. Also because the combination of end of autumn, darkness

and global pandemic might not be an easy period or one of utmost productivity.

What are the requirements for the piece? Send us a piece of a duration between 3 and 12 mins, previously unpublished, authored by you.

What happens to the piece if selected? The piece will be part of a digital compilation and will be published on MATTERS Bandcamp account. Previous releases by MATTERS are to be heard and might be downloaded here.

What about authors’ rights? The rights belong, as is only right, to the author of the piece, that’s not up for a discussion. You are free to share, distribute or re-release your work after publication of FOCI.

The application form is open / applications are welcome until and including the 30th of November. The results will be announced on the 7th of December, the compilation will be published before the end of 2020.

Application form to be found right here.
The project is part of “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022” programme.

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