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Slemas #50
Slemas #50
Do you know when the first Kaunas Artists’ House poetry slam took place? 2017 July 20! Invitation read “Poetry slam arrives to Kaunas believing that ‘there is nothing more eternal than temporary’.” Glad there have been 50 poetry slams since...
Slemas #47
Slemas #47
Last month, we met to slam in the hall of Kaunas Culture Center. Now war refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine gather there.
Poetry Slam #Žodžiai-pa-trankos
Poetry Slam #Žodžiai-pa-trankos
The last poetry slam of 2021! So much has happened this year that we won’t list it, but let’s list the things that are yet to happen - a real poetry fiesta with prizes and surprises!
Slam Poetry #44
Slam Poetry #44
Smelling of autumn and fresh street tiles, dressed up in medical masks, the long-awaited October poetry slam is coming to Kaunas! Slemas #42 host - Jovaras
NotASlam #WOW
NotASlam #WOW
Rimčiausi žodžiai iškalti bronzoje, mažiau rimti – auksinėm raidėm ant odos, rašalu ant solidaus popieriaus ir galiausiai – žodžiais ant sienų: gatvės eilėraščiais, plakatais, grafičiais ir, aišku, viešųjų tualetų poezija.
Poetry Slam #42
Poetry Slam #42
Heat or a storm? Such is the summer, such is poetry slam! Hot, stormy, unpredictable and intense. Come slam, listen and clap, because who knows what autumn will bring… Slemas #42 host – Julius Uogelė. Author of the slam design – Inga Navickaitė-Drąsutė. Wh...
Slam #Poetry Spring
Slam #Poetry Spring
Kaunas myli poeziją, Kauno menininkų namai taip pat! Todėl jau antrus metus iš eilės drauge su savo artimiausiais kaimynais - Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos Kauno skyriumi kviečiame į Poezijos pavasario slemą. Šiame renginyje, bent simboliškai, susijungs šiuol...
Poetry slam #40
Poetry slam #40
The literary acrobatics program "Trenksmas" presents: LIVE 40TH KAUNAS ARTISTS 'HOUSE POETRY SLAM!