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Pure data for beginners

2020-03-07/11:00 - 15:00

MATTERS | Pure Data for beginners

Pure Data is an open source visual programming language, which is applied in creative processes related to sound and multimedia works. It is used to develop (interactive) sound, as well as in interactive and audiovisual arts, robotics and PC games.

We’re inviting those interested in getting acquainted with this language of visual programming to commit to a challenge of six weekly workshops, that will start on the 7th of March and finish on the 18th of April.

Each of the workshops will be practice based, so over a period of a month and a half the participants will learn about the possibilities of working within the pd environment. The following basics will be addressed: how to create and manipulate sound signals as well as graphic elements, use sensors, device the connections between the software and hardware. As soon as the basics are mastered, the participants will be invited to focus on the projects of their choice.

Those willing to take part in the workshop series must 1) register (matters@kaunas2022.eu) and 2) have a personal computer to work with during the workshop. Participants are required to take part in at least five out of the six workshops. Registration is open until the 5th of March. Number of participants is limited.

The workshop series will be led by sound & visual artist Vygintas Orlovas.

In December 2019 he defended his doctoral thesis at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, and presented his artistic research in form of an exhibition titled xqvhawhhef. Orlovas’ focus is on communication, interferences, connecting sound and visual materials, the observer and the listener and various processes that are involved in the act of perception. Vygintas applies Pure Data in various steps of his creative process, and you can read more about his approach and browse through his projects here

Workshops are offered free of charge. Please address your inquiries to matters@kaunas2022.eu

Workshop series are part of

MATTERS. Platform for Industrial Culture
Partner of the program: Kaunas 2022


11:00 - 15:00
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